Ah, the employer’s market—a time when companies can practically have their pick of the litter. With a stack of resumes taller than your average skyscraper, it’s easy to feel like you’re sitting on top of the world, deciding who gets the golden ticket to employment. But here’s the thing: just because you can doesn’t mean you should—ghost candidates, that is.
Yes, we get it. You’re busy, there are a million things on your to-do list, and sometimes candidates just don’t make the cut. But remember this: the industry is small, and candidates have long memories. You might think you’ve moved on, but the candidate you ghosted last month is still out there, telling their story to anyone who’ll listen. And let’s face it, it’s not the kind of PR you want.
Picture this: It’s a few months or maybe even a year down the line, and the tides have turned. Suddenly, it’s a candidate’s market. Job seekers are fielding offers left and right, and you’re now the one trying to woo the perfect candidate. But here’s the kicker—who do you think they’ll choose? The company that left them hanging, or the one that treated them with respect, even when the power dynamics were different?
Here’s a little secret: People talk. They talk to their friends and colleagues and, thanks to the magic of LinkedIn, to anyone who listens. So, when you ghost a candidate, it’s not just a single bridge you’re burning—it’s a potential network of connections that could have benefited your company in the long run.
Now, we’re not saying you need to send personalised poetry to every candidate (though, hey, if that’s your thing, go for it!). But a simple “Thank you for your time; we’ve decided to move forward with another candidate” goes a long way. It shows respect, professionalism, and, most importantly, that you value the time and effort the candidate put into applying and interviewing with your company.
Because here’s the deal: when the market flips—and it will—the candidates you ghosted will remember. And they’ll tell their friends, who will tell their friends, and before you know it, you’re the company that’s harder to fill than a leaky bucket.
So, do future-you a favour: don’t ghost. Send the email, make the call, and keep the doors open for future opportunities. You never know when the candidate you passed on today could be the perfect fit for tomorrow. And trust us, when it’s a candidate’s market, you’ll be glad you didn’t vanish into thin air.
Remember, karma’s a thing, even in hiring. So, keep it classy, keep it kind, and don’t be the ghost story candidates tell around the virtual campfire.
Looking for new talent? Get in touch with our guys to help you out. They promise to get back to you and keep all candidates in the loop!
Nicholas Koop, Principal Recruitment Consultant, Engineering - 📲 0426 180 254 📧 nick@vividrecruitment.com.au
Lee Stevens, Principal Recruitment Consultant, Architecture & Design - 📲 0406 470 020 📧 lee@vividrecruitment.com.au
You can also connect with Lee on LinkedIn and Nick on LinkedIn or follow the Vivid Recruitment LinkedIn page for more industry insights, news, jobs and general chit chat and tips!
Lee: 0406 470 020, Nick: 0426 180 254
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