At Vivid Recruitment we regard right to privacy as being particularly important. In our business, it is necessaryto collect a range of personal and sensitive information, and we have always been careful about how thisinformation is used.
This document explains the type of information we collect and keep on record, how we use that informationwhilst protecting your right to privacy.
Personal information is any information or an opinion (whether true or not) about you. It may range from thevery sensitive (e.g. medical history or condition) to the everyday (e.g. address and phone number). It wouldinclude the opinions of others about your work performance (whether true or not), your work experience andqualifications, aptitude test results and other information obtained by us in connection with your possiblework placements. Personal information includes sensitive information.
Sensitive information is a special category of personal information. It is information or opinion about your:
• racial or ethnic origin;
• political opinion;
• membership of a political association or religious beliefs, affiliations or philosophical beliefs;
• membership of a professional or trade association or membership of a trade union;
• sexual preferences or practices;
• criminal record;
• health or disability (at any time);
• expressed wishes about the future provision of health services.
It includes personal information collected to provide a health service. Sensitive information can, in most cases,only be disclosed with your consent.
Personal and sensitive information will be collected from you directly when you fill out and submit one of ourregistration forms or any other information in connection with your application to us for registration.
We collect information from you when you register your interest in one of our positions. This includes candidate contact information, educational and other qualifications, past employment history and workrelated skills. More detail is collected during telephone screening and interviews, and from referees whom the candidate has nominated and given us permission to contact.
This information is collected as a necessary part of our assessment of your suitability for positions we are recruiting for – both now and in the future.
• we receive any reference about you;
• we receive results of inquiries that we might make of your former employers, workcolleagues, professional associations or registration body;
• we receive the results of any competency or medical test;
• we receive performance feedback (whether positive or negative);
• we receive any complaint from or about you in the workplace;
• we receive any information about a workplace accident in which you are involved;
• we receive any information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration orprofessional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you areinvolved;
• you provide us with any additional information about you.
Your personal and sensitive information may be used in connection with:
• your actual or possible work placement;
• your performance appraisals;
• our assessment of your ongoing performance and prospects;
• any test or assessment (including medical tests and assessments) that you might be requiredto undergo;
• our identification of your training needs;
• any workplace rehabilitation;
• our management of any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which you are involved;
• any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information.
The information we collect is not disclosed to any other party unless requested by the individual (to a financialinstitution to support a loan application for example). Your personal and sensitive information may bedisclosed to…
• potential and actual employers and clients of Vivid Recruitment. It is our standard practice toseek your
• approval prior to sending any information to prospective employers;
• referees;
• our insurers;
• a professional association or registration body that has a proper interest in the disclosure ofyour personal and sensitive information;
• a Workers Compensation body;
• a Superannuation scheme manager;
• our contractors and suppliers – e.g. our I.T. contractors and database designers
• any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.
If you do not give us the information we seek:
• we may be limited in our ability to locate suitable work for you;
• we may be limited in our ability to place you in work;
• By registering with us you consent to Vivid Recruitment gathering, holding and maintainingthis information and for Vivid Recruitment consultants to use and disclose this information to prospective employers or others as necessary as set out in this document.
Subject to some exceptions which are set out in the National Privacy Principles (Principle 6 – Access andCorrection), you have a right to see and have a copy of personal and sensitive information about you that wehold.
If you are able to establish that personal or sensitive information that we hold about you is not accurate,complete and up-to-date, we will take reasonable steps to correct it so that it is accurate, complete and up-todate.
If we are unable to agree that personal or sensitive information that we hold about you is accurate, completeand up-to-date, you may ask us to place with the information a statement by you that claims that particularinformation is not accurate, complete and up-to-date.
In some cases, we may impose a moderate charge for providing access to personal or sensitive information.We will not charge you simply because you lodge a request for access.
1.The information provided on this web site has been compiled for your convenience. Vivid Recruitmentmakes no warranties about the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this web site
2. Vivid Recruitment, including its directors, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, contractors, successors andassigns, will not accept any liability for any loss, damage or other injury resulting from its use.
3. Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience and Vivid Recruitment is not responsible for theinformation contained on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site does not constitute anendorsement or approval of that web site, or any products or services offered on that web site, by VividRecruitment. Vivid Recruitment Consultants will not accept any liability for the use of those links to connect toweb sites that are not under our control.
4. Vivid Recruitment, its directors, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, contractors, successors and assignsdo not accept any liability:
a. for any investment decisions made on the basis of this information. This web site does notconstitute financial advice and should not be taken as such. Vivid Recruitment Consultants urges you toobtain professional advice before proceeding with any investment.
b. for any damages or losses whatsoever, arising out of, or in any way related to, the use of this siteand any other site linked to this site.Vivid Recruitment Unit 103, 220 Commercial Road, Prahran, VIC, 3181, Australia
5. The limitation on liability contained in paragraph 4 applies to direct, indirect, consequential, special, punitiveor other damages that you or others may suffer, as well as damages for loss of profit, business interruption orthe loss of data or information.
6. Nothing in this web site constitutes or is intended to constitute an offer of, or an invitation to purchase orsubscribe for, securities.
7. Vivid Recruitment holds the copyright to this web site. Vivid Recruitment Consultants grants you a limitedlicence to download this web site for personal use only. You are not permitted to reproduce or alter this website, or any copy of it, for any other purpose without the prior express written consent of Vivid RecruitmentConsultants.
8. Vivid Recruitment Consultants, regards your privacy as important and will take all reasonable steps toensure that if you have subscribed to receive notification of web site updates; your e-mail address will remainconfidential.
9. Vivid Recruitment Consultants reserves the right to make changes, modifications, additions, deletions andcorrections to the web site, at any time and without notice.
Vivid Recruitment Consultants does not accept any liability for any investment decisions made on the basis ofthis information. This web site does not constitute financial advice and should not be taken as such. VividRecruitment consultants urges you to obtain professional advice before proceeding with any investment.
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Lee: 0406 470 020, Nick: 0426 180 254
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